Besedila pesmi

Belly - Star



It's hard for Star

Sweet sweet sweet wind

Burn off this skin

Get it to reach sachuest beach

I can never win, with this body I live in.


(Full Band Version lyrics continued below...)

It's all right

It's all right

It's all right

I'll just stand up pick up my stuff and...

Sweet, sweet, sweet, wind

Burn off this skin

Get it to reach sachuest beach

I can never win with this body I live in

Sweet sweet sweet wind

Burn off this skin

Sweet, sweet, sweet wind

Burn off this skin

I can never win




Poiščete lahko tudi vsa besedila izvajalca Belly, ali pa se vrnete na prvo stran iskanika besedil, kjer si lahko pomagate tudi z značkami besedil in tako poiščete še kakšno drugo besedilo.

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