Black Crowes - Thorn in my pride
Wake me when the day breaks
Show me how the sun shines
Tell me about your hearaches
Who could be so unkind?
Do you dream to touch me?
And smile down deep inside
Or could you just kill me?
It's hard to make up your mind, sometimes.
My angels, my devils, my thorn in my pride.
Are you wanting instiration
You spill your secrets on me
Then you tell me with a whisper
Of things that will never be.
Do you hear me breating?
Does it make you want to scream?
Did you ever like a bad dream?
Sometimes life is obscene.
My angels, my devils, my thorn in my pride.
Lover cover me with your sleep
Let your love light shine
Lover cover me with a good dream
Let your love light shine
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