Blood Brothers - Feed me to the forest
These hot machine years burning time across your face
See the smoke stacks rising up like f*** you towers?
My girlfriend sang like a hummingbird today
until that cough stole her voice and fed it to the furnance.
Shrew laugh, trench throat..
There's a party on the 16th floor.
this apartments paper thin walls....
you know your neighbors sobs by heart.
Tight coil, cold grin...
Highways wrapped around my body like a snake.
Got a view of a cement lawn, amputated horizons.
Thanks for the survival rags.
thanks for the soiled skies.
thanks for the f***ed up future.
We can learn to love misery.
Was it just last night
that I woke up to a snarling baby?
Did I hear it right?
He begged his mother, Feed me to the forest!
The factory is singing us to sleepless beds tonight.
Lungs like twin garbage sacks sucking charcoal breath tonight.
Sick squeal, dull moan...
Looks like your neighbors found another victim.
Screams Help but no one comes.
honey won't you turn the TV on?
Brown summer, stench wind...
the globe spinning one a rusty hinge.
Get in your car go to your job
like a train that's being robbed.
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