Besedila pesmi

Rob Jombie - Scum of the earth



What hope is there nobody will notice stones no clothes could hide?

Can't go outside.

Disgust, self-loathing for the weakness that heeds the pig inside, jaws open wide.

Still no-one leaves it alone, calling this skin and bone.

There's still so far to go. No disorder.

We get what we deserve.

Obese scum of the earth.

So much still left to purge.

Holding closer this nervosa¡¦.

Let no hideous fat into this system.

Desire must subside. Reverse the slide.

We're sold out to this decadence, drifting from sponsored side to side.

Get off the ride, see no-one.

To others, eating is a sociable thing.

There's no means of control ? real disorder.

Too high the cost incurred.

Too free to go berserk.

Resist and so preserve.

Holding closer this nervosa¡¦.

Need rest, need composure.

But in sleep, body barely ticking over.

Metabolism back into a coma.

Go walkabout, stay sober.

Need comfort, need focus.

Need a cigarette.

Feeling too hopeless.

Need a new plan, a new devotion, for tonight, the resolve is broken.

But this will be the last time¡¦.

Holding closer this nervosa¡¦.




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