Besedila pesmi

Rotting Christ - The fourth knight of revelation (i & ii)



The shinest of angel

Rebelous spirit

Everlasting power

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Yoth Iria - unholy master

Yoth Iria - prince of fire

Into the storm he comes

Release the wrath

The glorious one

The evil dark knight

Across the moon

Freezing the desert

Seven dark angels

In seven dark lands

Be ready for his coming

In the forest of N Ga

Avoid meet with light rags

The one who list the night

The shinest of angel

Rebelous spirit

Everlasting power

Share the creation

Yoth Iria - unholy master




Poiščete lahko tudi vsa besedila izvajalca Rotting Christ, ali pa se vrnete na prvo stran iskanika besedil, kjer si lahko pomagate tudi z značkami besedil in tako poiščete še kakšno drugo besedilo.

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