Besedila pesmi

Tegan & Sara - The first



Stand up, sit down baby

Gonna be a formal dress down, hey day

We decide why not go downtown

How about you and me, we go get wasted

You'll have, you'll have to excuse me

Please, please, please excuse me

You'll have, you'll have to excuse me

This will be my first time

By definition from grade school to English 30

We quietly become strong so early

Take it or leave it, they can't believe it

They go from kindergarten to killing sprees

They go from heartache to inner peace

100 foot ceilings, 100 percent deceit

He said let's leave this between you and me

My cats watch my stuff leave my house

Between you and me, the cat burglars are

What did you see, what did you steal

Tell me baby, how does it feel

Yeah, how do you feel

It's a top ten list of

Things that move me the most

It's a top ten list of

Things that bother me the most

A top ten list of

Things that scare me the most

I'd have to say that the future

Wasting time in the fast food line

I decide to walk the fine line

And celebrate life, celebrate death

I choose to celebrate the first

I celebrate the first

We decide to go out walking

The whole time that we're talking

Convinced that we're living

The whole time that we're dying

We decide to go out walking

The whole time that you're talking

Convinced that you're living

Whole time that I'm dying

Keeps me on my toes

Where did the time go

You keep me on my toes

Where did the time go

On the edge of town, where the gravel's thin

They're gonna wear you down

Until you're thin and tired, tired, tired

Of wasting time in the fast food line

I decide to walk the fine line

And celebrate life, celebrate death

I choose to celebrate

The first to come the first to go

The first to say yes the first to say no

I'm gonna seize this moment

The first to come, the first to go

The first to say yes, the first to say no

We decide to go out walking

The whole time that we're talking

Convinced that we're living

Whole time that we're dying

Keeps me on my toes

Where did the time go, yeah

Keeps me on my toes

Where did the time go

You keep me on my toes

Where did the time go

You keep me on my toes

You keep me on my toes

You keep me on my toes




Poiščete lahko tudi vsa besedila izvajalca Tegan & Sara, ali pa se vrnete na prvo stran iskanika besedil, kjer si lahko pomagate tudi z značkami besedil in tako poiščete še kakšno drugo besedilo.

Podobna besedila pesmi:
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